What are stretch marks?
Have ever wondered about those ugly-looking reddish, pink marks on various parts of your body?

Well, those ugly marks are stretch marks. These marks cover various parts of your body and happen to lower your self-esteem. These streaks can be seen on your abdomen, breasts, upper arms, buttocks, and thighs.
These streaks look like red or hued lines and give a scar-like appearance. They give the affected area an altogether different texture than normal skin.
Why are stretch marks caused?
Stretch marks (or the striae) occur during times of hormonal imbalance in our skin. Almost every woman experiences these stretch marks (pregnancy stretch marks) as they are quite natural to occur. One can get them during-
- Pregnancy
- Weight gain
- Certain diseases
- Puberty
- Stress
- Changes in Physical conditions
How to prevent formation of stretch marks?
However, is no sure shot way to prevent formation of stretch marks, following may help:
- Avoid rapid weight gain/loss.
- Keep your skin moisturised.
- Exercise regularly
- Eat a healthy and well-balanced diet.
- Avoid self-medication and consult an expert as soon as you spot them, as early treatment gives better results.
Removing stretch marks can make you feel comfortable
Stretch marks look ugly and they make you feel ugly too. They hinder your confidence. These marks are stubborn and it is very difficult to get rid of. Though there are various creams and oils available in the market that guarantee that they can help you get rid of them but sadly none has been 100% successful.
These reddish lines are tears of the skin at deep level, and have ruptured the collagen fibers. All these oils and creams cannot fix these extensive raptures.
What stretch marks treatment?

Removal of stretch marks by India’s 1st 1556nm Fiber Laser Machine has been able to penetrate well below the skin’s surface. This treatment is now considered the most reliable treatment for stretch marks removal.
We, at Jaipur SkinCity, use only safe and authorized technology to repair the stretch marks, irrespective of the cause.
The Fiber Laser treatment offers an entire new range of opportunities for the removal of stretch marks, scars, and all major skin imperfections in the best possible way. This machine is a fractional two-wavelength Fraxel Laser enabling double performance and developed for skin rejuvenation and defect correction. This means that the waves produced by this machine affect the deep layers of the skin and solve the skin, irregular skin diseases; which other dermatological methods cannot.
Dermatologists in Jaipur and all across the world have considered fiber to be the most effective treatment for stretch marks. The laser creates thousands of microscopic columns in the skin, while the skin around them remains intact. The body’s reaction to this is sudden healing by stimulating new collagen and skin cells’ synthesis. This way, through the treatment procedures, the skin with defects becomes replaced by completely new, healthy skin. Thanks to the India’s first 1556nm Fiber Laser Stretch Mark Removal Technology.
Fiber Laser stretch mark removal is the most effective technique that targets the source of the problem. It treats stretch marks at the deeper skin level, which they form, while topical treatments which you can purchase at stores cannot penetrate to the source of the problem.
At the same time, Fiber Laser Resurfacing improves the smoothness of approximately 20% of your skin’s surface with each treatment. After a series of treatments, you will see improvement in the texture, diameter and depth of your stretch marks.

How It Works
The Fiber Laser penetrates extends into the skin but does not cause any pain. It just removes the damaged tissue while leaving the healthy surrounding untouched.
The 1556 nm fiber encourages your body’s natural production of healthy collagen. Collagens are very important as they are referred to as the body’s natural “building blocks”. They repair and rejuvenate the skin tissues.
Laser technology also eradicates the damaged skin tissues and “fills in” your stretch marks during the treatment process.
Results of Stretch Marks Removal Treatment
The 1556nm Laser Therapy does not require much of recovery time. There are a few patients who experience temporary swelling, but it is gone in a few days.
Once treated your body needs time to start producing healthy collagen and new skin. Thus, you might experience the satisfactory results a little later or may be immediately. This totally depends upon the skin type and texture. In fact, there are possibilities that you see the results of the treatment only after a few weeks from your initial session.
Please note that you may need multiple sessions to achieve the results you are hoping for.

*Disclaimer: Results may vary significantly from patient to patient due to individual differences.
You can consider Dr Sachin Sharda’s Jaipur Skincity Clinic for the best laser treatments like Laser Stretch Marks Removal, Laser Tattoo Removal, Laser for Pigmentation and Laser Hair Removal in Jaipur.
Frequently Asked Question
Yes, laser treatment is a non-invasive method of removing stretch marks which is very safe and has no or minimal potential to cause any injury.
Like any scar, stretch marks are permanent, but treatment may make them less noticeable. Treatment can also help alleviate the itch. If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, check with your doctor before treating stretch marks. Some products contain ingredients, such as retinol, that can harm your baby.
Laser therapy for stretch mark removal usually lasts between 30 and 90 minutes, so you won’t be in the office for long. You might feel some slight discomfort during the procedure, but the treatment isn’t painful for most patients.