Is Hair Transplant A Permanent Solution?


“Ugly is a field without grass, a plant without leaves, or a head without hair.” – Ovid “The Silent Woman.”

If given a choice no one would want to lose their hair.

Every single person who is experiencing the problem of hair loss has so many unanswered questions pondering his or her mind. Out of which most predominantly asked is the one, “ Is hair transplant permanent?” or “ How to completely get rid of hair loss problem?”.

As going for a hair transplant is lifetime decision to be taken. Other treatments and procedures besides hair transplant are only inflated claims. Such remedies are mostly repetitive else any progress gained gets inevitably lost once the treatment ceases. Thankfully, this is not the case with a hair transplant procedure.

Hair transplant treatment completely transforms the appearance of one’s receding hair.

And Yes! Hair transplant is a permanent solution to hair loss problem to many.

Why Is Hair Transplant A Permanent Solution?

Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure wherein the hair follicles from a part of the body are taken. This area is known as the ‘donor site.’ the hair present in this area are insensitive to the hormone causing hair fall.

The extracted grafts ( which are genetically resistant to balding,) are implanted to the bald area of the body which is known as the ‘recipient site’.

As the donor area for a hair transplant is the area which is insensitive to the hormone causing hair fall (DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) -male hormone). Thus after hair transplant, these hair roots maintain their nature and remain insensitive towards DHT even after changing their position from donor area to bald recipient area.

Thus, making the hair transplant surgery as permanent.

The image below clearly depicts the stages of male baldness pattern from where it can be easily comprehended that posterior hairs are insensitive to hormone, thus permanent.

  How is it different than other treatment modalities?

Hairs which has completely lost its roots can never come back. So, with other remedies, you can only maintain your existing hairs.

It’s the “Transplantation” procedure where we are actually “planting roots” that means actually growing new hairs.

What to expect after a hair transplant?

Hair is a matter of self-esteem for people. For a balding person getting a hair restoration by hair transplant is a tremendous thing.

By FUE method one gets extremely long lasting results. It is one of the most proven and successful hair loss treatments currently available.

The person gains confidence after becoming youthful with the natural looking realistic hairs.

After transplant initially, the hairs shed off completely but they again start growing after 2-3 months.The full-blown result can be seen after 8 complete months of surgery.

The rejuvenated transplanted hair will continue to grow in a similar manner when it was in the donor area.These hairs are completely natural.

One can grow them, cut them, colour them, style them and keep them whatever way they want to.

Why Jaipur Skin City for Hair Transplant in Jaipur

At, Jaipur Skin City, during the consultation, our team of experts provides guidance and confirms whether you are a suitable candidate for a hair transplant and also assess your future hair loss. So that your transplanted hair looks good in future also.

A complete investigation of the patient is done by us ranging from knowing your age, family history and hair loss type. We even determine the chances of future hair loss by foreseeing your other scalp areas and then design a customized hair transplant procedure round for the patient ensuring it looks best and suits your look giving you a complete makeover.

So, what are you waiting for!

Looking permanently youthful with your hair on is no more a miracle.

Book an appointment with us and know the hair transplant cost in jaipur, also get genuinely guided and informed about the solution to all your skin and hair problems.

For appointments, call 9468975757. Dr. Sachin Sharda, a highly experienced Dermatologist in Jaipur, offers top-notch treatments, including laser therapy, laser hair removal, and hair transplant in Jaipur.

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