Laser skin resurfacing is a popular cosmetic procedure that can help rejuvenate the skin and reduce the effects of the sun, aging, and some facial skin disorders. Treatments are safe, effective, and convenient. Also, the cost of cosmetic laser skin resurfacing in India is minimal compared to many other treatment options.

What is Laser Skin Resurfacing?
Cosmetic laser skin resurfacing is a method for diminishing the appearance of imperfections on the skin’s surface. During the laser skin resurfacing procedure, a laser is used to dissolve the molecular bonds of the damaged skin cells layer by layer until a smoother, more uniform skin appearance is achieved. The procedure may also be referred to as laser skin rejuvenation because of its anti-aging benefits, or laser peel because the damaged layers of skin are peeled away.

Who Should Go for Laser Skin Resurfacing Treatment?
Laser skin resurfacing is an effective procedure for patients with lines, wrinkles, uneven pigmentation, or superficial facial scars such as acne scarring that does not respond to gentler treatments. It is best that laser skin resurfacing be performed on a person who is free of any medical considerations, including prescription medication and existing health conditions that might cause unnecessary risk during the procedure or recovery period.
A good candidate would be a person who has realistic expectations for the results of the laser skin resurfacing procedure. A person seeking laser skin resurfacing should educate themselves on both the benefits and the limitations of the procedure beforehand.
Cost of Laser Skin Resurfacing in India
There are a variety of factors that go into determining the exact cost of laser skin resurfacing in India. There is the surgeon’s fee, type of the laser machine ,the cost of the facility and anesthesia, and also the expenses incurred from the pre- and post-operative care. Scheduling a complete patient consultation with a laser surgeon or cosmetic dermatologist is the best way to achieve the most accurate cost estimates for your specific procedure.
Types of Laser Used
CO2 Lasers
The CO2 laser is the highest intensity laser treatment currently available. After being treated with the CO2 laser, the surface of the skin appears tighter and smoother because the laser uses heat to restrict the collagen bands found in the lower dermis. But the procedure is less attractive for the patient because of invasive nature with high down time. Chances of complications are more.
Erbium Lasers
Erbium lasers are able to remove thinner layers of skin than the more powerful, but less precise CO2 laser. Erbium lasers are often a better choice for patients with dark skin because there is less risk of permanent changes to skin pigmentation. With a shorter healing, they are also better for patients with generally healthy skin. Alma who wish to treat only minimal fine lines and wrinkles.
Erbium laser is also available in fractional technology.
Because the Fractional laser procedure is non-invasive, it has less side effects. There is virtually no skin tenderness or pain after undergoing treatment and no downtime is required after the procedure. It should be noted, however, that this is not a single session treatment. Improvements to the skin’s appearance will appear gradually over the course of weeks or months.
Resurfx by lumenis is worlds most advanced fractional erbium laser.
Q switch Nd:YAG laser
Q switch lasers with pixel technology can provide various options in terms of carbon peel, toning, photo facials. Fractional technology provides added benefit of no down time and safe treatment.
Alma Q is the most advanced high power pixel ( fractional ) Laser with Q switch Nd :YAG technology.
Benefits of Laser Skin Resurfacing
Undergoing a laser skin resurfacing procedure can greatly benefit the youthfulness and beauty of your skin.
A laser peel can be performed to diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, acne scarring, age spots, birthmarks, and blotchy patches on the skin. It can also improve the skin’s overall texture which can become rough and coarse as a result of accumulated sun damage.
Deep laser skin rejuvenation can stimulate the production of new collagen in the lower dermis.
Additionally, laser skin resurfacing is currently one of the most effective means of revising mild to moderate facial scarring resulting from either previous surgery or injury.
Risks and Side Effects of Laser Skin Resurfacing
Laser skin resurfacing procedures are generally safe when performed by a dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon. Risks are usually relatively minor and should fade away in a short time. Common laser skin resurfacing side effects include redness of the skin, swelling of the treated area, and moderate irritation similar to the feeling produced by a mild sunburn.
You should discuss your medical history at length with your dermatologist before undergoing laser skin rejuvenation. Drug allergies, medical conditions, especially connective tissue and immune disorders, previous surgeries, medications you’re currently taking, and any prior skin treatments.
Recovery and Results
Laser skin resurfacing recovery and results vary depending upon the type of laser that is being used and the size of the area you wish to have treated.
The most invasive treatments may produce enormous improvements but may require an extended recovery time of multiple weeks.

A gentler laser skin rejuvenation treatment may reduce the appearance of some imperfections and may require little or no downtime.
Consult a dermatologist, Dr Sachin Sharda, to determine the most appropriate treatment as well as a case-specific estimate of healing time and likely results.
Are Multiple Laser Skin Resurfacing Treatments Necessary?
The number of treatments needed generally depends on the severity of the patient’s condition. Usually 5-8 sessions are required to achieve the desired results. During the initial consultation, a dermatologist will discuss the patient’s goals and assess his or her physical condition. It will then be possible to estimate the number of laser skin resurfacing treatments required and the costs of each.
You can prefer the Best Dermatologist in Jaipur, Dr Sachin Sharda, for the best laser treatments like Laser for Acne Scar Treatment, Laser Skin Resurfacing and Laser Hair Removal in Jaipur. To know more, contact Jaipur Skincity or call at 9468975757.
Also Read About: Laser for Acne Scar Treatment